Happy Christmas from the “Winey-Girls” & Nathan

Did we really know what a year would be like coming off a pandemic?  Have you seen those tik tok videos where you see “God: Here.. take my hand.  Wait for it… wait for it… waaaaaiiiit for it…. NOW GO! GO! GO!” … and it’s a straight sprint. Yeah, that was 2021, for sure. We were sitting here these last 2 weeks abruptly halted with COVID (4 out of the 5 of us) & it’s been humbling to reflect as I’ve been trying to write this letter. 

By February, Country Feed was completely recovered from the fire that happened just the year before. Now it was all hands on deck for opening my mom & father in law’s new restaurant by June. Let me tell you, a commercial kitchen is no small task. We did lots of food testing for the menu & dining room rearranging. We halted everything for a celebratory spring break trip to Destin, FL (our last trip of freedom if you will) and then by May 1 we put our heads down & busted out The Feed Store that opened to the public June 1st. (Wow…are you sure that was only 6mo ago?!?) Each one of us has a very important role in the biz… May the updates begin…

The waitress :: RUTHIE - she’s totally in it for the $$.  She may seem timid, but this girl’s hand-eye coordination is RIDICULOUS!  We discovered her crazy coordination when she rocked softball this year!  Yes, she is my homebody, but she loves to try new sports.  She has started basketball so we will see what’s to come. She’s my writer, reader & piano player.  

The hostess :: TESSA - we had to do a little training. She was stealing fries off the plates… but small tweaks & this girl is the epitome of the welcoming committee. She’s still Grandpa’s biggest helper on the farm.  Tess is also desperate to get back on a horse…we are working on that. She & I also went on an adventure to Chicago for her 7th birthday. I have officially found my forever travel buddy.  She was dragging me to the train to get home. That girl’s got stamina! 

The keeper of the tablets :: JOANNA - and touch her tablet to put in an order and you might lose a hand!  (It was between this or the Jello eater.) This girl keeps us ON OUR TOES!  Once she realized that she could not bend her teachers to her will, she discovered she LOVED school & she’s a whipper snapper.  She has a fierce love of dinosaurs. Specifically triceratops.  I’m excited to see what activities she gravitates towards.

The professional taste tester :: NATHAN - In between deliveries at Country Feed, deacon stuff at church & as of November, city council member (I know, FANCY!), I’m feeding him random things and asking for feedback.  Nathan has done an AMAZING job of keeping his fingers on the pulse of our feed store & being our direct link to the customers.  BUT!  Warning: If you hear him say, “I was thinking…” run!  He’s planning to start another business. 

The kitchen manager :: LINDSAY - Working in the kitchen at the restaurant since June has really been the only constant this year.  I’ve had a kiddo quarantined every once in a while, remote learning here & there, events every other month for the IBSA- IL Baptist Women, or the chicken wrangler on occasion.  I’m most excited about the new line of seasoning mixes I created for the feed store… it’s the little things, right?!

As the girls are growing up, it’s been an adventure to see what’s next.  We have a little more freedom to try new things & go on new escapades.  We will expand that even more next year as we adventure into homeschooling…just the big girls next year, then Jo when we get to 1st grade.  I wish I could share any big plans that we have for next year, but honestly, we just follow where God leads.  If that’s to McDonald’s, yum… if that’s to start another business, let’s go! Honestly, as long as we are doing God’s will together, we think that’s right where we need to be.  

With all that we’ve experienced/enjoyed/worked through this year, one thing is for certain… We are forever grateful to have people like you & your family around us.  We wholeheartedly pray your days be filled with much love, joy, family, fun, and oh so much more this coming 2022!   

wineinger girls

The Things I Fight For…


Ridiculously Good Egg Salad