Picture Purging

WE ARE ALIVE!  I repeat!  We are alive!  I've been MIA this last week, because of what started as a stomach bug (kid #3), turned Influenza A (kid #1), respetory head cold (kid #1, 3, Mom & Dad)...then of course sharing is CARING, so Rue got a stomach bug after recovering from FLU-A resulting in a ER visit... totaling 10 RUTHLESS days of SICK. (Did you see my Sick Day post?!)

But, GREAT NEWS!  With all that time at home, I began to declutter AGAIN!  I'm re-scanning some areas I did before, being more ruthless this time, AND tackling sentimental stuff.  I jotted down some areas where I knew that if I'd jump into them, I'd lose momentum, so I planned to come back later... well, NOW!

Last night, it was PICTURE PURGING!  Sorry, there really is no DEEP meaning to this post... they're just old, wonderful, goofy pictures.  I hope you're ready for this...


This is why our babies are cute...

None of our children look like either of us as babies.  Yes, even Ruthie, my mini-me, has her own cute baby look...


Where it all began...

The painting picture:  If you look behind Nathan, that's me on the ground in front of him with a roller.  We painted together on that mission trip in up-sate New York for about 3 days.  Rumor has it, my sweet friend, Cheryl, turned to someone else sitting on the bench with her & said, "When are those two going to start dating already?!"

Man...we are good lookin'!


Life after babies...

My mom guilt is showing here, but does anyone else look at sweet baby pictures of their kids and think, "I barely remember this kid at this stage in life..."  Oh, you don't?!  Oh... well then, forget I said that...

And look at Nathan & I naively standing in front of the feed store with SHEER AMBITION in our eyes & a calm driving fear in our hearts.  Three years & 1 baby later... HA!  We don't feel much different. :)


... and remember that one time Tessa hid her unicorn horn in her book bag, then pulled it out and wore it in her school pictures?!?!!?!  *eye roll*

Alrights...that's all I have for your viewing pleasure.  NOW!  Next sentimental item on the list that I am TORN UP over & have NO idea what to do...


Friday on the Farm - The Feed Store


SICK DAYS/5 Reasons I Shouldn't be a Food Blogger