SICK DAYS/5 Reasons I Shouldn't be a Food Blogger

Everyone around me is sick…My time is coming…I just know it.  It started last week with Joanna, hit Ruthie 2x, and KNOCKED Nathan OUT today.

Praise GOD, Tessa left on a trip with her Nana for the week, because adding 1 more to the mix would be even WORSE!  P.S.  She’s having a BLAST!  Nana keeps sending me adorable pictures… That kid.  She got her Mama’s travel bug!


Things that are WONDERFUL about this:

  • I got all the clothes switched. Everyone has moved up a size in clothes (whether they wanted to or not!)

  • I finished the curtains in the living room! (I just can’t show many pictures b/c there’s always someone sick in there)

  • I am only feeding myself, so I can make myself WHATEVER I WANT! Tonight, it was roasted broccoli & shrimp! OMG it was sooo good! (See 2nd half of the blog for ½ of the pictures)

  • The 2 wonderful ladies we’ve hired at the store have SAVED me! They make it possible for me to be home with everyone! Before, I had to bring sick kiddos to work & NO ONE liked that!

  • I’ve loaded up & taken ALL my #DeclutterLikeaMother stuff AWAY! *weight lifted!* (Did you see my Decluttering Post?!)


Things that are TERRIBLE about this:

  • I can see my demise coming. I’m eating super healthy, taking active charcoal, detoxing the house with essential oils, CLINGING to Clorox wipes…BUT I can tell you very clearly 3 instances where I encountered the germs… they’re coming for me.

  • The business doesn’t stop! AND it all happened over the FIRST of the month… Monthly Invoicing/Bills/Payday all happened within the last 3 days. I’m behind, I just know it.

  • This introvert has not been alone longer then a potty break for almost 10 FULL days. Guys…I cannot think straight.

  • My brain can’t even think creatively about something to write for the blog. And, I failed miserable at shooting pictures for part of the blog I was GOING to write tonight, so instead I will improvise and write THIS…

5 Reason I would not be a good FOOD Blogger

  1. I meal plan Month to Month… we ate EXACTLY 3 meals last month on the days I scheduled them. Now, I pick 2 meals a week & don’t put them on particular days…lowering my standards. Then I hit them!

  2. I would cook a meal & then have to eat it all myself. The foods I’d want to make, no one in my house would eat. They’d have green in them, or mushrooms, or even worse?! ONIONS!

  3. I don’t measure stuff. The picture would look something like this:


…and the instructions would be,

a. Preheat the Oven to 425.

b. Preheat the Oven to 425…I know you didn’t go over there and turn it on!

c. Add the oil, the panko, ooo that’s too much, only 2/3 of the panko, the parmesean cheese (ya know, go ahead and get the bag out & add a little more…it’s cheese!), a pinch of salt, some pepper, ooo not that much…add some more salt.  Ok and mix with your hand.

d. Put it on the sprayed cookie sheet.


e. Nope, put it all back in the bowl…we forgot the garlic and the French’s onions…my bad.

4.   I forget to take the after pictures…


Ok… AND I can’t count. There’s only 4 reasons.  Maybe this has something to do with why I can’t measure.  PS My friend, Jane, brought this up to me JUST this morning… WHY is a liquid measurement of a cup and a dry measurement of a cup different?!  I mean, I obviously know why, but for the record, I interchange ALL the time.

Thank you for letting me decompress tonight.  If at anytime within the next 4 days, you open a dark room and I’m sitting there alone, be polite & say hello, but then you just shut that door again and don’t feel a BIT bad about leaving me by myself.  I’ll hug you…later.


Picture Purging


Friday on the Farm- Cow/Calf Barn