We made it to the Farm

So, back in like…. 2014, maybe, I launched my very first blog. It was called Wild Ginger Blog and I just looked at it’s still there. 😳 My intention was to document our journey back to the farm. Nathan & I were 2 kiddos in and we had purchased a red angus, which I endearingly named Ginger. I told Nathan, I wanted a place to blog, to start advertising my graphic design projects, and to document our “journey back to the farm.”

I’ve discovered a couple things…

  • I need to take some writing classes, because I still write the same way (slightly less unprofessional & not ideal for real life publishing)

  • MY! How our business lives evolve over time.

  • Um… we made it to the farm, and I didn’t even realize it. Well, I did, but I didn’t.

Back up to last summer, we had finally made the decision to move out to the OG Wineinger property. Plans were to build a 1200 sf mother-in-law quarters to the south side of the house, move them in, make changes to “the Big House” and move in. We broke ground early October and were setting floor joists while we were cooking Thanksgiving Dinner. We had plans to slowly start packing our house & move in mid-late spring (we figured that would be a good time to put our house on the market).

Fast forward to January…I get a scary phone call from Nathan that my father-in-law was headed to hospital… a farm injury. A couple nights in the ICU with a lacerated spleen and LOADS of bruising made for an unexpected & extended recovery. We took on the farm chores immediately and decided to expedite the move-in timeline. We took 2 weeks to finish the entire upstairs; 3 bedrooms, a closet & a bathroom cleaned out, carpeted & painted. We moved in mid February, put the old house in town on the market and sold it in 10 days. New goals: Get Steve healed up, get MIL apt done, WHILE keeping all other balls in the air. Yeah…. not sure what we were thinking.

So check the time stamp up above ⬆️ … Steve is healthy, obviously the most important, the juggle only SLIGHTLY went off kilter, and we should have Pam & Steve moved into their new place in 10 days! BUT, it didn’t dawn on me until last week…

“Hey! Blast from the past! YOU MADE IT TO THE FARM!” Guys, I have been dreaming about this for years, and I TOTALLY missed it. I’ve been living here for almost 6 months before it really hit me. Immediately, my brain said, “WOW Lindsay… you get here & didn’t even appreciate or cherish the moment,” but my graceful inner self said, “WHO FREAKIN’ CARES! You’re here!!”

Guys, this is it. We’ve made it home. To the Farm. God is Good. And all the work He accomplished in our lives over the 10+ years it took to get here, man, was it treacherous, and uncomfortable, and resilient, and goofy, and LIVE-GIVING. There’s so much work to be done, but we’re here.


Spiritual Imposter Syndrome