
L: So how are we going to start this?

N: I don’t know...you’re the blogger…

L: But you’re the farmer…

Guys...this may be what this blog is like...but who knows!  We are totally going to be taking this journey with you. Together Nathan & I (Lindsay) came up with the idea to blog the journey to our farm.  This truly will be a journey, because we currently live in a 1970s 2-story on less than an acre nestled right on the corner of a corn crib town. Our chicken coop is ½ built & chicken-less, and the cows Nathan feeds everyday are at his parents or brother's house 10 minutes away & none of which are ours personally.    


Nathan & I went out for dinner the other night, and in God's beautiful timing, Nathan shared his dream of coming up with some kind of platform where he can take videos of his progress as we start some new elements of our farm... we are starting to grow/harvest/sell hay & the BIG W-Wineingers (i.e. Nathan's parents & two younger brothers including their households) are in the process of building a cattle building for raising & selling beef cattle -- about 40% complete.

My eyes got HUGE!  I've been stuck in my personal blog for almost a year, and I have been trying to get out of a RUT.  I had been leaning toward just starting over from scratch...

So we're starting this together...the tech-savvy, ginger-baby-raising Mama & the willing-to-learn and excited farmer are going to start WINEINGER FARMS.

Head over to the ABOUT US page to learn about the Farmer, the Blogger & their three blue eyed reasons why...

P.S. You stopping by means the world to us!  Thank you.

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The Frozen Farm