10 Things I want my Daughters to NEVER Forget

With each of my daughters I started a journal.  I'd write in it while I was pregnant. 
It holds everything from funny dreams & cravings I had to prayers that I would pray over my belly at night.

As the girls grow, my entries have become more spread out, but last night I was taking some time to write, "...these are some Important things to NEVER Forget."


Photo Cred: Emily Carpenter Photography

To my girls: 

To put into words ALL the things a mother feels about her children is IMPOSSIBLE.  You little women have shown me God's character, God's strength, God's compassion, God's mercy... His humor.  His faithfulness, above all... that is what I cling to.  The fear that surrounds me is CRIPPLING, but the faith that I have in God and his plan for YOU is my FUEL!  You each are completely different, yet the MASSIVE amount of love I have for each of you is EQUALLY infinite.  Take these next 10 things as guidance, but NEVER stop learning on your own.  


  1. You can do ANYTHING, BUT don’t do EVERYTHING!

  2. Speaking truth is the right thing, but speaking truth in LOVE is the best thing.

  3. Not everyone is your friend, but they are all God’s children; don’t treat them as any less.

  4. When someone is judgmental of someone or something, it reveals an open wound or insecurity of her own.

  5. Your time is one of the BIGGEST gifts you can give someone.

  6. Your Daddy was loved you deeper & longer than any man every will.

  7. Your point of view is VALUABLE to the world.

  8. The first thing you EVER taught someone was how to be strong, brave & BEAUTIFUL -- and that was me.

  9. Nothing will make me love you more & nothing will make me love you less.

  10. Spend your life loving others; not looking for love.


Photo Cred: Photos by Jill

God called me to raise girls; I see that as a HUGE privilege, but I also believed He chose me because it would require complete reliance on Him to do so.  He hand picked me to be the keeper of Ruthie, Tessa & Joanna.  Humbling.  Thank you, Jesus.




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