Friday on the Farm- This is Us
For the month of March, I have been running my first ONLINE marketing campaign for the store on our Country Feed Facebook Page, and I think it’s done fairly well! According to our insights, we’ve had GREAT interaction & honestly, it’s just been fun to feature my peeps at the store! BASICALLY, it was created to show gratitude BACK to our customers, because in actuality, THEY are OUR Country Feed Family! *see what I did there?*
It’s called “Your Country Feed Family.” This last week, we featured YOURS TRULY (can I just tell you how HARD it was to sit on these FANTASTIC pictures and not share them until this week?!?!!?), so we did an intro at the beginning of the week of Nathan & me and the girls. NOW, today we are answering a few questions that I asked Jessica & Ellie, our other employees, but I’m posting the answers here. When 2 people are answering the questions, it seemed a little lengthy for a FB post.
Photo Cred: Emily Carpenter Photography
*The ABOVE photo accurately describes the situation MOST of the time...Nathan is our calm. Who's surprised?*
L: Ok, so we need to answer those questions today for the Facebook Page post…
N: What questions?
L: For the Country Feed Family post! We did the into, so now it’s time for the “Get to know you" questions…
N: Hmmm
L: Ok… If money were not option, where would you fly right now?
N: ….
L: Here’s where you tell me the answer…
N: I know, I’m thinking….Probably somewhere in the Rockies.
L: Ok. What book are you reading right now?
N: What are books?
L: Alrighty then... (Side note: To give him credit, he’s online ALL THE TIME researching & learning about LOTS of things...just not in book form.) What animals do you have?
N: A dog. (Wow my man of many words.)
L: Yes...ok. What is your favorite product at Country Feed?
N: (Fastest response yet) The Fly Control Protein tubs...I can see a HUGE difference when I got into other herds compared to mine.
L: Ok. Thanks… that all.
N: Hmmm.
Connect with Nathan on IG: @nathanwineinger
I’ve lately had a HUGE desire to go to Japan. I’m a traveler...I’d consider it a hobby.
I’m currently reading/listening to You are a Bada** ...I promise, once you get past the title, it’s REALLY good. Sometimes, I just need someone to tell me I’m capable.
Nathan would be correct. We have our dog, Moose, a very large yellow lab. AND we currently have 5 chickens...but of course that’s about to change because CHICK DAY!
This forgetful mama is SO thankful for our FROZEN MEAT that we carry! Beef, pork & chicken! I resort to frozen pizza or mac & cheese before I drive all the way to Peoria if I forget meat.
Connect with me on IG: @thewineingerfarms
I'd love to get to a point where we can do a Q&A and answer more questions about what we do and who we are. COMMENT with questions & we'd be happy to fumble through answers for you. :)
HAPPY FRIDAY everyone! Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
If you're not already... CONNECT with US!
Lindsay's at IG @thewineingerfarms
Nathan's at IG @nathanwineinger
Country Feed's IG @countryfeedprinceville